Food Security > Climate > Food Security

Food Security

ORA has good work experience in food security. ORA successfully completed the two-project named Flood Proofing Project & Strengthening Household abilities to Respond to Development Opportunities (SHOUHARDO) which funded by the USAID & Government of Bangladesh and technical guidance and monitoring by the CARE-Bangladesh. The main goal & objectives of these two projects are to reduce food insecurity of the poor & extreme poor people of the targeted area i.e. three upazilas of Kishoreganj district providing the following intervention:

Comprehensive Homestead Development.

Vegetable Seeds & equipment distribution among the participants.

Cash support for (small business) income and employment generation.

Provide cash support for purchasing Cow, Goat & Duck etc.

Provide Boat for income generation.

Support for fish culture (case culture).

Supply the fish Fingerling's for income & employment generation etc.

Besides these ORA introduce the Bree Dhan-45 with the technical assistance from the BARRI, Gazipur Dhaka. ORA also stored the Seeds of Bree Dhan-45 in the Seeds go-down of Agriculture department for future distribution. ORA also constructed the 10 km Bari Badh to protect the growing Boro rice from the early / Flash Flood as voluntary spirit.