Climate Change Adoption > Climate > Climate Change Adoption

Climate Change Adoption

Regarding Climate change adoption activities ORA implemented the Flood Proofing Project & SHOUHARDO Program with the financial assistance from the Govt. of Bangladesh   & USAID and CARE- Bangladesh. Tree Plantation project in the haor area with the financial assistance from the Ministry of Environment. Besides this ORA also has implemented the following activities during the FPP and SHOUHARDO program period:

  • RCC Wave Protection Wall.
  • Wave protection wall by CC Block.
  • Brick retaining wall.
  • Mound Extension by earth Cutting and haor friendly tree i.e Hijal & Coros, etc.  plantation.
  • Community Latrine and Tube-well, Deep Tube-well Construction.
  • Different types of Fruit tree Planted in the deep hoar.
  • Conduct several training & workshops for disaster management and climate change.
  • Introduce Vira cultivation at haor area.

Beside these, ORA introduced the Bree Dhan – 45 with the technical assistance from the BARRI, Gazipur, Dhaka. ORA also stored the Seeds of Bree Dhan – 45 in the Seeds go-down of Agriculture department for future distribution. ORA also constructed the 10 km Bari Badh to protect the growing Boro rice from the early / Flash Flood as voluntary spirit.