Health, Hygiene, & Nutrition > Ecosystem > Health, Hygiene, & Nutrition

Health, Hygiene, & Nutrition

ORA also has good work experience in Health, Hygiene, & Nutrition. ORA has been implemented the Health, Hygiene, & Nutrition activities since 1993 to till the date with the financial assistance from the NGO Forum, USAID & CARE Bangladesh, Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF) and Government of Bangladesh & DANIDA through HYSAWA Fund Management office. Project areas and activities are as follows:


Title of Project/


Name of Donor


Geographical Area



Water and Sanitation Project.



NGO -Forum for Drinking Water supply & Sanitation.

·   Tube-well installation.

·   VDC Formation in all union.

·   Health Hygiene & Sanitation session conduction.

·   Courtyard session conduction with mothers & girls.

·   Provide Low-cost Latrine with production cost.

·   100% sanitation coverage.



Karimgonj Upazilla under Kishoreganj district




Flood Proofing Project (FPP).



Government of Bangladesh, USAID & CARE-Bangladesh

·   VDC Formation at four union.

·   Health Hygiene & Nutrition session conduction.

·   Demonstration session conduction on Nutrition.

·   Diarrhoea monitoring.

·   Courtyard session conduction with mothers & girls.

·   Provide free Low-cost Latrine to extremely poor people.

·   100% sanitation coverage.



Suterpara, Niamatpur, Baragharia, Ghundhar union of Karimgonj upazilla under Kishoreganj district.





Strengthening Household abilities to Respond to Development Opportunities (SHOUHARDO)





Government of Bangladesh, USAID & CARE-Bangladesh

·   VDC Formation in 61 villages of fourteen unions.

·   Monthly Health Hygiene & Nutrition (HHN) session conduction in each village.

·   Growth Monitoring (Stunting & Wasting) at all unions.

·   Tube-well & Deep tube-well installation.

·   Demonstration session conduction on Nutrition.

·   100% Vegetable cultivation at fourteen union of three upazilas.

·   Provide vegetable seeds & equipment.

·   Courtyard session conduction with mothers & girls regarding (HHN).

·   Provide free Low-cost Latrine & construct community latrine at haor area.

·   100% Sanitation coverage at all village.





Nine union of Itna upazilla, four union of Karimgonj Upazilla and one union of Tarail Upazilla under Kishoreganj district.



Mother and Child Health and Nutrition



Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF)

·   Bi-Monthly Health Hygiene & Nutrition (HHN) session conduction.

·   Demonstration session conduction on Nutrition.

·   Provide free Low-cost Latrine to the extremely poor people.

·    Provide vegetable seeds and training to the participants.



Suterpara union of Karimgonj Upazilla under Kishoreganj district.



Hygiene, Water Supply and Sanitation (HYSAWA)



Government of Bangladesh & DANIDA through HYSAWA Fund Management office

·   VDC Formation in all villages of 1 no. Mirzanagar union.

·   Monthly Health Hygiene & Nutrition (HHN) session conduction in each village.

·   Tube-well & Deep tube-well installation.

·   Courtyard session conduction with mothers & girls.

·   Provide free Low-cost Latrine.

100% Sanitation coverage at all villages.

·   All School Session Conduction at 1 no. Mirzanagr union regarding, Water supply, personnel hygiene & Sanitation.

·   Advocacy Workshop conduction on Water supply, personnel hygiene & Sanitation with the Govt., NGO & social elite person.



1 no. Mirzanagr union of Pourshuram upazilla of Feni District under Chittagong Division.




Social Mobilization for Sanitation (SOCMOB)



NGO-Forum & DPHE

·   Training Module development on Social Mobilization for Sanitation for Govt. officials, Political & Religious leaders & Teachers of High School teachers and CMC members.

·   District Advocacy and Upazilla Advocacy workshop conduction on Social Mobilization for Sanitation (SOCMOB) for the government & NGO Personnel, Political and Religious leaders.

Three District Advocacy i.e Kishoreganj, Netrokona and Mymensingh & all Upazilla Advocacy workshop of Kishoreganj district.