Response and Rehabilitation > Recycling > Response and Rehabilitation

Response and Rehabilitation

ORA implemented the emergency Relief activity among the 800 family at Sidr affected area of Mathbaria upazila under Pirojpur District. The relief goods are one Blanket, Rice 5 kg, Potato 1 kg, 1 Bottle Mineral water (2 Liter), 50 no’s Water purifying tablet, 1 packet biscuit & 4 no’s ORS Packet. ORA has done Post Flood Rehabilitation activities within the flood affected union of Karimgonj upazila under Kishoreganj District with the financial assistance from the Concern Bangladesh. ORA also has Post Flood Rehabilitation activities on Water and Sanitation activities with financial assistance from the NGO-Forum for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation. The activities are as follows:

  • Emergency Food item distribution.
  • Blanket distribution.
  • Tube well disinfection.
  • Ring slab Production and free distribution among the flood victims.
  • Tube well platform construction etc.
  • Conduct Advocacy Workshop on Social Mobilization for Sanitation.